Attendance » Welcome to Samuel Gompers Attendance Department

Welcome to Samuel Gompers Attendance Department

Hello Bulldogs,

My name is Ms. Ponce, your PSA Counselor at Gompers Middle School. I have been your PSA counselor for 4 years.  My role on campus is to ensure that you are engaged everyday in your classes and in your seats learning! I have really enjoyed working with  all parent’s,  student’s and staff here at Gompers MS. 

I am here to help you with any issues you may have impacting your attendance,  learning experience and or participation here at Gompers. Please reach out to me if you are having any issues with attendance. 

Why is attendance important?

Importance of Attendance-Eng

Importance of Attendance-Span

A missed school day is a lost opportunity for students to learn.  It is also the law!  According to California Ed Code 48200, all students between the ages of 6 and 18 must attend school every day.  If you have any questions about your child's attendance, do not hesitate to contact me.  I am here to offer my support and hope that by working together, we can help guide your children towards a successful future. 

7:30 a.m. -- Morning Gate Opens    8:00 a.m. -- School Starts


TARDIES — A student is considered tardy upon arrival to class after the tardy bell. Prompt attendance at school is a requisite for good citizenship, responsibility, and academic achievement. After 8:30 a.m. a child who is tardy must report directly to the office to check in and receive a tardy slip before being admitted to class. Tardy students will be expected to walk themselves to class WITHOUT a parent/guardian escort.

ABSENCES — If your child is absent from school, be sure to call the office to inform them of the reason and length of absence then send a written note upon your child's return. In some cases, the school may require a note from a physician. The excessive use of unverified parent notes may result in the school requesting additional documentation for all future absences. Sample note for absence:

My child, (include first and last name), was absent from school on xx/xx/xxxx because s/he had a fever. (Please state the reason instead of simply writing that the child was sick.)